The original Agriculture-4-U vision ……
was for all the school children in the UK to have a basic knowledge of where their food comes from and how it is produced from an early age…..

The Agriculture-4-U vision
is for all the school children in the UK to have a basic knowledge of where their food comes from and how it is produced from an early age, to provide knowledge that can be assessed by all, from school children to students of agriculture and beyond.
Agriculture is an integral part of all our lives, and its importance is only set to increase, as stressed in the recent Food Strategy Report by 2050 there may not be enough land to grow the food we need – see latest news opposite. We would like all the school children in the UK to have a basic knowledge of where their food comes from and how it is produced from an early age so that when they become the future decision makers they will have a deeper understanding of the dilemmas created when producing food and then be able to tackle the challenges which lay ahead.
Agriculture-4-U totally agrees with the closing statement of the recent BBC ‘The Future of Food’ series – “food is a precious resource which we can no longer take for granted”
Agriculture-4-U is a video diary of UK Agriculture and what happens down on the farm – this video is a sample of what we aim to provide as the site grows.
What are the dilemmas?
‘He who has bread may have troubles.
He who lacks it has only one.’
Old Byzantine proverb
In today’s world man faces both these problems at once.
With an ever increasing world population coupled with other demands on land, such as housing and now as a provider of energy in the form of biofuel and biomass, the food needed has to be provided from an ever smaller area.
This leads to more reliance on technology to achieve this which in turn produces its own problems; Agrochemicals, Fertilisers, GM Crops, Biodiversity, Conservation. Food Miles; Traceability of food, organic food, Amenity Land.
In order for future generations to address these issues they need to experience and understand farming by seeing what is happening down on the farm today. The aim of Agriculture-4-U is to achieve this by providing quality video which can be easily accessed and shown in all the classrooms in this country.